The HVAC Requirements for Modern Cannabis Businesses – Everything You Need to Know

Indoor cannabis operations require top-of-the-line HVAC systems to produce sky-high yields while eliminating the chance of pests and diseases.

From cooling to air filtrations, HVAC systems are the backbone of the cannabis industry. Below, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about HVAC requirements for modern cannabis businesses.

Cannabis Plants and HVAC Systems

When it comes to indoor cannabis plants — there’s nothing more important than the environment.

From humidity to CO2 levels, all environmental factors play a significant role in the cannabis crop cycle. When one or more environmental factors are sub-optimal — cannabis plants suffer, and yields are reduced.

Therefore, all cannabis producers must follow a few guidelines when setting up a cannabis grow operation. Below, we’ll briefly discuss each of these points to assist you with your modern cannabis business.

Requirement One: Plan Your Operation

Before a single cannabis plant can grow in your warehouse — you must plan your cannabis operation.

Planning requires extensive thought on:

  • Where your HVAC system will be installed
  • Environmental requirements for your cannabis crop
  • The number of cannabis plants per room
  • The energy demand of each plant
  • Energy performance goals

As you can see, each of these aspects requires an abundance of forethought. By working together with your master grower, technicians, contractors, and HVAC specialists, you’ll effectively design an optimal plan for your cannabis business.

Requirement Two: Choose the Type of HVAC System

Not all HVAC systems are created equal, and this is extremely true when it comes to indoor cannabis businesses.

From smart HVAC systems to traditional HVAC systems, you and your team must choose the best HVAC system for your needs. Remember, cannabis plants require optimal environmental conditions 24/7.

Therefore, your choice must be made with your crop in mind. Before making a decision, consult with an HVAC specialist and detail the requirements for your cannabis plants.

For example, you’ll want to describe certain parameters that must be met, such as:

  • Humidity (RH %)
  • Temperature
  • Air circulation (CO2 %)
  • Air filtration
  • VPD (vapor pressure deficit)

All of these parameters can make or break your cannabis business. As long as you hire the right HVAC specialist, all of your crop’s needs will be met.

Next, you’ll need to decide what types of additional sensors your cannabis grow requires. From thermal sensors to wireless master controls, your cannabis grow operation requires top-of-the-line HVAC accessories to ensure a successful harvest.

Requirement Three: Set Ideal Parameters for Your Cannabis Crop

Once your new HVAC system is installed by HVAC professionals — it’s time to have it set.

Whether you’ve appointed this task to your technicians, master grower, or HVAC experts — you must understand there’s a trial and error process.

All cannabis strains have different requirements, whether it’s nutritional needs or environmental. Therefore, you’ll need to employ broad environmental parameters (that are generally accepted by cannabis growers) and monitor the crop accordingly.

For example, some cannabis strains produce purple flowers when exposed to cold nighttime temperatures. Therefore, you may need to adjust your HVAC system to accommodate cooler nighttime temperatures to produce purple buds.